Extension for the corrugated pipe

Tilläggsinformation om produkten

The extension for the corrugated pipe is intended for situations where the pipe is to be continued.
It is recommended that the corrugated pipe e is always uniform, but if the situation so requires, the protective tube can be continued with a extension pipe

The conduit is condensed and locked into a further sleeve, as well as a chamfer.
The lock piece can be installed on both sides,

Available for 28mm and 25mm corrugated pipe. Can also be installed with 25mm on one side. and 28mm on one side.

Here is short video how it works:

Ta kontakt
Kod Produkt namn Tilläggsinformation Riktpris. moms 0% €
2013645 Skyddsrörs skarv 25 MM 5,35
2013648 Skyddsrörs skarv 28 MM 5,35
2013647 Skyddsrörs skarv 28mm - 25mm 5,99

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